Monday, January 28, 2008

Summary of beliefs

I'm going to maintain this post as a summary of what I believe.

  • I'm an atheist, although a more correct term is probably physics chauvinist.

  • I maintain that all that exists are particles and energy, and that they are governed by strict (though probabilistic) laws [post].

  • I'm a relativist.

  • I consider any claim that there is an absolute morality separate from human constructs to be a supernatural claim.

  • I'm a progressive.

  • I believe that people have a moral responsibility to help one another, that this strategy is beneficial, and that it can be rationally determined based on deep-seated beliefs that are common to all humans.

  • I believe that religion is damaging to society and will always be damaging and an impediment to progress. It has benefits, but its negative effects far outweigh the positives.

I will update this list periodically, adding and revising items as necessary, and adding links to relevant posts.

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